Ever wondered how much waste your event is actually generating?

Reducing waste starts with the circular sourcing of products and items that event organisers and vendors bring to the event.


Corporate events, birthday parties, weddings, group picnics, your nan turning 98? 

We’ve got you.

Events can be huge waste generators – imagine all the waste we produce at the gazillions of events around our globe heading to landfill! We’ve joined forces with a number of circular suppliers and waste industry partners if you need a zero waste event strategy and on the day management for that special occasion.

And when it’s over, we’ll help you put your event’s waste to good use through recycling, composting, and donation to the community.


Enabling your zero waste goals.

Meals are typically the biggest generators of waste at events.

Food systems waste (from prep to service) can comprise a minimum of 20% – and in some cases up to 60% – of your event waste streams. This gets more challenging for mobile, pop up events without flexible waste recovery systems in place. We support various scales of events and production types.

Tip: A surefire way for event planners wanting to reduce food waste is to work with caterers that have food waste reduction strategies and have a trained team who source separate and compost!


When Loreal wanted to go zero waste at the Timber Yard, they called upon indigenous caterers Charcoal Lane + Cirque du Soil to produce these rustic soil bags for a batch of hand stitched composter at their event. We worked with the caterers across compostable serveware and items used in their menu, to make sure all uneaten goodness in the dishes returned to earth.


It's school fete season every end of term! We worked with the waste reduction team in the Fete committee to create a hybrid composting system across the fete, where we supplied buckets and signage for decanting in council organic bins, produced a school age appropriate Circular Economy educational pre-recorded session to engage with the local school community and advised on compostable serveware across our Circular supplier networks.


All events are an experience, make it a zero waste one.

What kind of events do you like doing?
We like working with a range of events, as each one is unique and different. User experience and infrastructure goes hand in hand, and our team is well versed in spatial user flows for how to capture waste streams across small to medium scale urban events, which is our favourite event sector we enjoy working with. This ranges from corporate and school events, weddings, birthdays, park birthdays etc. No event is TOO small.

If you're looking for a similar service for large format festivals, check out B Alternative here.
How long should I wait to call you?
Event planning can take a while, and with supply chain disruptions and the rising cost of materials and logistics - you definitely want to start thinking about the zero waste aspects sooner rather than later! From size of attendees to site considerations, and event format - especially where it gets trickier when you have external vendors onsite! We prefer a good 2-3 month lead time, to assess and source what you need.
I don't have a big budget for my event, what do you offer?
Honestly, we just want everyone to be able to access composting infrastructure and serveware, as food waste is a prolific issue across the built environment. We're really flexible with how we do things. For events, we offer:

- Tiered volume costings / Pay for what you fill.
- A low cost bucket rental arrangement, if you have access to organic bins and want to DIY the washing for return.
What do your event consulting/management services cost?
Depends on the scale and complexity of the event, and whether you want us to do an assessment and recommendation list, or if you're looking for educational tools to go along with it.

If you'd like us to implement and manage on the day, this will cost more for a bigger team to be onsite. Get in touch for a custom quote.
What are the benefits of becoming working with you for zero waste events?
We've done a huge amount of work to bring together a Circular Supplier Network of products and services that work well with our system, and are of values aligned purpose businesses. You'll gain access to our Circular Supplier Network pricings for cost benefits and discounts where relevant, but also learn a lot about the awesome circular products available out there!

Getting your friends, family and business customers to buy into what you're doing (because not everyone is aware or knows much about circular living), by saying no to plastic and yes to composting means also raising awareness among your own networks. We'll all in this to create more climate conscious consumers, and it won't happen unless more of us do this!
What items can you source through your Circular Supplier Network?
Compostable serveware from coffee cups, serving plates, bamboo skewers, straws, and even edible cups! We'll also be able to connect you to aligned caterers and reuse serveware enterprises, who will come along and set up a washing station on your site.
What is a Circular Supplier Network?
We had a dream... of creating a circular economy familia because quite honestly - waste is an epic issue and nobody mad enough should tackle this alone! We're creating a growing network of aligned and like minded purpose partners in the waste space who fit our circular supplier criteria.
What is your Circular Supplier Criteria?
Our circular supplier criteria is a set of data points and measurements designed to help assess potential and existing members of the Cirque du Soil Circular Supplier Network. We use this as a guide while working with each circular supplier network partner to understand the overall circularity of their business model, services and product/s, and to ensure alignment with our other circular waste programs and services.
Where does our collected food waste and compostable serveware go?
This is a pretty typical time honouring Community Compost Collective question! We process inner city using innovative food recycling technology, to reduce travel carbon emissions. We're currently undergoing academic field trials with the outputs of our program and across machine sites in VIC, to turn what we collect into fertiliser gold. Read more about it here. (link to R&D page)

Our soft plastics program is available in Oct 2022.

Do something drastic & cut the plastic. Single-use plastic food packaging is a major contributor to the global solid waste problem. Although the food industry is developing strategies to reduce single-use plastic packaging, we need to better understand consumer awareness and attitudes about the issue.

When you toss a plastic bottle into your recycling bin, there’s no guarantee it actually gets recycled. In fact, odds are, it doesn’t. 

This is one of our key priority streams, where by using the same containers, in the same form, over and over again – it eases demand for virgin materials, reduces energy needed to spit out thousands of new plastic bottles or cardboard boxes, and prevents heaps of trash from ending up in landfills or oceans.

They’re bulky, large in size and consumes large amounts of space.

We use paper and cardboard in so much packaging and stacks of it still ends up in landfill, resulting in stacks of methane production, a major greenhouse gas.

When when you recycle cardboard waste and keep it free of oil and contamination, you end up saving ample amounts of water and energy and minimise trees being chopped down to get virgin material.

Cigarette butts are the world’s most littered plastic item, with around 7 billion dropped in Australia every year. In partnership with Fungi Solutions, CigCycle collected cigarette butts will undergo a Myco-Remediation program (mushrooms, FYI) at their Thornbury myco-facility for research and development for new circular materials.